Jeff Hungerford   
Link  Description 
thoughts   Thoughts on Life  
Livejournal  More random thoughts  
Pictures  Pictures I've Taken  
QTVR  Quick Time VR Scenes I've Made  
Movies  Short Videos I've Made  
Mapper  Experiments with Maps  
Roxen Modules  Plugins for the Roxen Webserver  
Qmail Status  Server Mail Queue Status  

   Recent Pictures   
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Date Thumbnail Blurb 
2003-06-08 13:13:30-05  Plaster Replicas  Plaster Replicas  
2003-06-08 13:12:21-05  Plaster Replicas  Plaster Replicas  
2003-06-07 14:07:41-05  Buckingham Palace  Buckingham Palace  
2003-06-07 11:11:21-05  Embankment Station  Embankment Station  
2003-06-07 07:56:48-05  Victoria Station  Victoria Station  
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   Popular Pictures   
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Date Hits Thumbnail Blurb 
2000-05-25 14:07:41-05  178576  My Desk  My Desk  
2000-08-19 12:21:55-05  177770  Overlook  Overlook  
2002-07-23 13:37:56-05  172761  Whale Watcher  Whale Watcher  
2000-06-14 18:46:04-05  166878  Frog  Frog  
2001-08-13 15:03:30-05  161187  YYC - International Arrivals  YYC - International Arrivals  
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Date Blurb Replies 
2002-05-14 04:51:42-05  Mail Perversity  0  
2002-04-28 04:30:44-05  Final Cut Pro / DVD Studio Pro  0  
2002-04-16 04:08:39-05  Wireless - Candy - Visor  1  
2002-04-08 05:42:48-05  Hardware Problems  2  
2002-03-11 01:33:57-05  Transferred  6  
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Date Blurb Replies 
2001-01-16 11:02:40-05  New Job  6  
2001-03-02 06:23:07-05  Thoughts on the Nightshift  5  
2000-05-26 22:35:01-05  DEMF: Before  5  
2000-04-30 03:17:52-05  Why am I still here?  4  
2000-04-17 00:56:45-05  Final Project  4  
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   Contact Info   
Email: click to email
ICQ: 1431588
AIM: cloaked
Schedule: iCal
Last Modified:April 2006