Jeff Hungerford   
Link  Description 
thoughts   Thoughts on Life  
Livejournal  More random thoughts  
Pictures  Pictures I've Taken  
QTVR  Quick Time VR Scenes I've Made  
Movies  Short Videos I've Made  
Mapper  Experiments with Maps  
Roxen Modules  Plugins for the Roxen Webserver  
Qmail Status  Server Mail Queue Status  

   Recent Pictures   
Date Thumbnail Blurb 
2005-12-11 14:45:13-05  Carlyle Apartments  Carlyle Apartments  
2003-06-22 14:09:01-05  Long Lake  Long Lake  
2003-06-22 12:08:33-05  Tech Center  Tech Center  
2003-06-08 13:44:36-05  Tate Modern  Tate Modern  
2003-06-08 13:44:36-05  Tate Panorama  Tate Panorama  
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   Popular Pictures   
Date Hits Thumbnail Blurb 
2000-09-06 11:07:48-05  422227  Railroad Repair  Railroad Repair  
2002-06-02 17:12:42-05  272396  Flags  Flags  
2000-06-09 17:18:00-05  256886  Dog At work  Dog At work  
2002-05-31 19:02:28-05  197469  Backyard  Backyard  
2000-05-25 14:07:41-05  175682  My Desk  My Desk  
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Date Blurb Replies 
2005-02-27 05:36:37-05  GeoURL is back  0  
2002-12-04 03:29:05-05  Backup Server  1  
2002-07-21 00:04:14-05  Vacation!  0  
2002-06-25 12:24:12-05  26  0  
2002-05-26 02:26:14-05  DEMF 2002  10  
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Date Blurb Replies 
2000-05-12 00:42:58-05  Food: Red Bull  199  
2000-04-01 14:58:00-05  Bye Bye Gen-X  13  
2002-05-26 02:26:14-05  DEMF 2002  10  
2000-04-05 02:51:20-05  My creation  7  
2002-03-11 01:33:57-05  Transferred  6  
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   Contact Info   
Email: click to email
ICQ: 1431588
AIM: cloaked
Schedule: iCal
Last Modified:April 2006