Once it was said...
2000-04-21 01:22:46-05

The End Is NEAR!

Well, classes are almost over. 24 years, 16 days, 14 hours, 10 minutes and 29 seconds since the end of my final class (3:00 - 6:00 on May First) .

I`m really looking forward to summer - this semester of class didn`t go very well, and My stress levels have been rather high lately.

Before I can relax, I have a few things left to do.
The biggest is a project due at the beginning of that last class.

The other major class related thing remaining is to e-mail in the answers to some rather tough questions in 21 days, 9 hours, 10 minutes and 29 seconds.

The past few weeks have been a lot of work, but also fun and Really Cool Stuff.
Plus, I didn`t spend that much time slacking off :-)


And you replied...