2001-06-25 01:18:55-05
I Feel Old

200483 hours ago I turned 25.
- that's half of 50, one third of 75 -

I'm now old enough to be able to rent a car at a random airport
Without being stranded after having all of the major car rental places
(Including the ones which I had called to make sure they were ok with my age)
make bizarre excuses about why they can't rent a car to me.
(If you are ever in LA, try Ritz Rent A Car (310-641-3222) - Under 25 OK!)
True, it isn't all bad, but I still feel old.

It seems like just yesterday that I turned 21, but it's been a long time.
The bar I went to on the night I turned 21 (Deacon Brodie's) has been closed for

Oh well - I guess It's more shock than anything else - I guess I missed how time was slipping away during my abortive grad school career; I still feel like time is missing from my life - I can't be this old, I don't remember getting this old.

I think it is also how time speeds up as you get older. I think we measure time by comparing it to how long we've been alive. As a kid, an hour is equal to a significant fraction of your life, but as you age, the ratio keeps changing, and time keeps speeding up, faster and faster...

Maybe I should stop working on this, and get out, and do something meaningful :-)


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