2001-01-21 22:48:04-05
Confusion 2001
1/19/2001 - 1/21/2001

1/20/2001 - 2:30 A.M.

Well, here I am at Confusion 2001.
I won't have that many pictures, as my Visor's eyemodule appears to have chosen this time to bite the dust 1.

So far I haven't seen that many people I know - I ran into Brett, Syd and Matt shortly after I first arrived, and I am rooming with Keith.

For quite a while they were the only people here who I already knew, Until I ran into Xav around 1:30 A.M. Apparently a few more people I know from Lansing are going to be coming down tomorrow, but I won't know who for sure until tomorrow.

I've been having fun, but didn't do that much yet - mainly hung out in the video room 2 And wandering around, Watching people playing Combat on an Atari 2600, and checking out the action at the local pirate radio station.


Well, today was busy, and fun. I don't think I got to sleep until 4:00 am or so.

I started out the day by hanging out in the Anime room, watching Dominion Tank Police for a while, until the computer security seminars started. The first one was pretty basic, but a good general overview. The second was an excellent overview of current trends in security issues by Bruce Schneier.

I can't remember much about what order I did things for the rest of the day. I seem to remember someone talking about a home-brew computer that built in the early 70's, on which the charge pump could get up to 2k volts at 15-20 amps.3, and watching people dunk things in liquid nitrogen.

Later that night, I swung by the Masquerade to hang out and check out people's costumes4. There were some that were quite amazing - I'll have to see if Xav got any pictures.

Around midnight or so, it was time to start hitting room parties. Keith hosted the Conclave Party and I hung out there for a while. I also remember hitting the Tree Of Shadows party. They sounded pretty cool 5.

After that, things get a little fuzzy. I'll have to wait until I see the pictures to recall what happened. 6
Well, today I didn't do much, I mainly hung out in the anime room, and watched Dr. Black Jack Until I felt awake enough to drive home :-)

All in all a fun time - I'm looking forward to next year ...

 1. It looks like the white balance is screwed up - The brightness level keeps pulsing from pitch plack, to washed out white. I'll have to send it back for repairs.
 2. Watching films made entirely of Star Trek bloopers
 3. I seem to remember a comment along the lines of "You touch a modern computer chip, there is a spark, and it dies. You touch this, there is a spark, and you die"
 4. And to watch good looking girls in skimpy outfits
(Medusa: 2 pieces of electrical tape away from "Violating community standards")
 5. I'll have to grab some mp3s from their site later
 6. I remember Girls, leather, chainmail, and a large guy with a kilt and a whip - could be good, could be bad...


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