Hart Plaza Fountain
Looking up through the center of the fountain located in the middle of Hart Plaza in Detroit.
The picture was taken during the 2003 Movement festival.
2003-05-26 18:31:40-05
42°19'37.3"N 83°2'38.9"W
DEMF 2003
Camera: Eyemodule 2
20 Pictures nearby
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Hart Plaza Fountain
0.000 Feet
Hart Plaza
6.017 Feet
DEMF: Cpop Stage
15.594 Feet
23.668 Feet
DEMF: underground
23.668 Feet
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There are nine pictures within two days.
5 of them are:
2003-05-26 20:55:05-05
2003-05-26 20:39:58-05
2003: Sign
2003-05-26 19:03:08-05
Main Stage
2003-05-26 18:33:00-05
Hart Plaza Fountain
2003-05-26 18:31:40-05
Full List