ACD is
excited to announce the ACD Organized Play
(OP) Program to our current customer base.
Basic Outline:
This program can be divided into 4 parts.
- Prize Support
- Support your events with more prizes!
- Event Support
- Get your event kits directly from your
- Demo/Open Play Support
- Demo armies, tables, posters, banners, etc.
ACD’s Coalition Key Account
Retailer-to-Retailer communication, up-to-the-minute industry
news, and an online release calendar
Online advertising and event scheduling that reaches 100,000
hobby enthusiasts each month.
How do I qualify?
- You only need to purchase $1700 each month from
ACD. This is not limited by product line or category.
Everything you buy from ACD counts.
- You need to be a brick-and-mortar store with
in-store play space.
- Provide pictures of your general store area, play
area, and staff.
- That’s it! If you can do this, the
first three parts of the program are yours FREE!
Contact your ACD Sales Representative to open your account today!
How do I qualify for ACD’s Coalition Key Account Program?
- You need to be signed-up for the ACD OP Program.
- You need to have “B” level pricing or
higher with ACD. (Ask your sales representative about your existing discount
structure, if you’re unsure of your standard discount.)
Why sign-up?
- You spend too much time, effort,
and money from your bottom
line on organized play. On top of that, most stores don’t make
any profit on organized play events. ACD is committed to helping you
change this “work for free”
- In-store activity (organized play) drives sales
before, during and after events.
- Most manufacturers don’t have OP support or
only give you a small portion of what you need.
- Organized play brings in new customers and keeps
your core customer base in your store!
- Order your OP support when you place your weekly
- Have your OP support show up on time!
- This is a tested program with proven results!
Call me about this program
and how to sign-up!
This program is available NOW! Give new life to your organized play!
Chris Corbett
ACD Distribution
800-767-4263 ext. 227
fax: 608-273-8616
"Service at a Higher Level”