FIFTH CIRCLE The fifth circle consists of only the lowliest of circus outcasts. Even most of the freaks look down on those of this circle. Dimitri Babinov - Gurahl (Werebear) Position: Animal Performer, Koba's Progressive Clown Show Breed: Ursine Auspice: Full Moon Physical: Strength 5 (8/10/9/7), Dexterity 4 (4/3/1/3), Stamina 4 (7/8/8/7) Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3 (2/1/1/0), Appearance 2 (0/0/2/2) Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 2 Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 5, Brawl 2, Empathy 2, Intimidation 4 Skills: Animal Ken 5, Survival 3 Knowledges: Enigmas 3, Linguistics 3, Occult 3, Rituals 2 Backgrounds: Past Life 3 Gifts: (1) Beast Speech, Mindspeak, Mother's Touch, Razor Claws, Spirit Speech; (2) Luna's Armor, Scent of the Prey, True Fear Rank: 2 Rage 6, Gnosis 8, Willpower 7 Rites: Rite of Rending the Gauntlet, Rite of the Pure Earth Image: Dimitri is a large black bear. In human form, he is a bearded giant of a man with a lost look in his eyes. Roleplaying Notes: You have nearly forgotten any life outside the circus. In dreams you vaguely recall the power and freedom that was yours. Chained to the will of Koba, yours is a half-conscious existence where sleep offers the only release. You no longer think of escaping, and have almost given in to the identity of a trained circus bear. A spark in you remembers, however, and if it is properly fanned, the flame of your rage would consume your tormentors. Note: info on Gurahl can be found in the Werewolf Players Guide Tub of Flesh (Vampire) Position: Freak Clan: Nosferatu Sire: Unknown Generation: 8th (6-cap?) Embrace: Early 1600s Nature/Demeanor: Child/Child Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5 Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 0 Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 1, Wits 4 Talents: Alertness 5, Athletics 5, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Intimidation 5 Skills: Stealth 5 Knowledges: None Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 3, Fortitude 4, Obfuscate 2 Backgrounds: None Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 1, Courage 3 Willpower: 6 Humanity: 3 Merits/Flaws: Acute Senses/Monstrous, Prey Exclusion (Children), Mild Phobia (Light) Image: Tub of Flesh is a liquefied Nosferatu vampire. Its body consists of ropy strands of moist, purple-black meat. This writhing mass of flesh continuously bubbles and oozes, occasionaly taking near-human form before falling into its usual protean mass. Dozens of blinking eyes stare out fromthe roiling mass. Multiple fanged mouths also gape from the morass, emitting plaintive wails or ominous hissing. Note: While usually seen as Cone of Flesh's pet, Tub of Flesh still retains a modicum of free will and hates the carnival. Tub of Flesh can be a remorseless killer, but will under no circumstances attack another child. Besides his Disciplines, Tub of Flesh can heal two Health Levels for every Blood Point spent. He is essentially a liquid and can seep through almost any size of hole. V:TES Stats Tub of Flesh Nosferatu 6 capacity aus cel FOR obf Independent. Midnight Circus. Tub of Flesh can heal 2 damage for each blood counter he burns. Tamika Tanaka (Vampire) Position: Mime-Entertainer Clan: Malkavian Sire: Albrecht Ausberg Generation: 11th (3-cap?) Embrace: 1926 Apparent Age: 19 Nature/Demeanor: Bon Vivant/Traditionalist Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3 Mental: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 5 Social: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 5 Talents: Acting 5, Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Dodge 4, Subterfuge 5 Skills: Etiquette 4, Music 3, Survival 5 Knowledges: Investigation 4, Linguistics 5, Medicine 3, Politics 2 Disciplines: Auspex 3, Dominate 2, Obfuscate 3, Presence 3, Thaumaturgy 3 (Lure of Flames 2, Movement of the Mind 3) Backgrounds: Allies 2 (Baroque and Carmody), Resources 3, Status 2 Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 5, Courage 4 Willpower: 7 Humanity: 1 Image: Tamika looks like a cross between a traditional mime and a Japanese Noh player. Her straight black hair pours down her back like water. Her face is almost never seen out of make-up, a strangely elegant combination of clownish mime and geisha. A long, loose kimono floats over her black leotards. Her eyes sparkle disturbingly through her make-up. The clowns and other minor circus denizens sudder at her complete silence, calling "NightMime" and "Hellsister". Roleplaying Notes: Hasn't spoken in 60 years. When her love Angelo (a Toreador) was killed by a Bone Gnawer Garou, her last link to reality was severed. She's now lost in a world of Noh and Shintoism. Baroque and Carmody treat her well. V:TES Stats: Tamika Tanaka Malkavian 3 capacity aus dom obf pre tha Independent. Midnight Circus. (Needs a drawback) Tattoo Tim (Mortal) A tall man with goatee and glasses, Tattoo Tim wears a sleeveless T-shirt. His arms are decorated with tattoos of the Midnight Circus moon logo and a mermaid. Tattoo Tim lives in his trailer office, where he give Bane-infected tattoos to an unsuspecting public. He is a nervous chainsmoker and heavy drinker. Empty bottles of cheap whiskey line the floor of his trailer. Tim was a struggling art student drawing caricatures at a major theme park when he went berserk. Working in the sweltering July heat, snapped and pushed a popular costumed character-actor, Poacher Possum, into a water ride. He joined the Midnight Circus soon after. Working so closely with Bane materials has warped Tim itno a mumbling, drinking wreck. When drunk he likes to slam-dance against the walls mouthing old Sex Pistols lyrics. Bill Biloc (Animal Trainer) (Mortal) This overweight alcoholic is nearing the end of his rope. After a salary dispute with Mr. Flint, one of the lions mysteriously attacked him. Biloc's shirt hides the scars. Biloc's brutality to the animals and Black Spiral Dancers has earned him their undying hatred. A few times he has been so drunk that Aubrey Dutetre has had to step in and perform the show. Biloc's days are numbered, and the circus is actively searching for a new animal trainer. It is only a matter of time before an unfortunate accident with the wolves takes place. FOURTH CIRCLE These are the rank and file circus performers, concession workers, and roustabouts. They have little power, but form the backbone of the circus. There are more in this circle than any other level. Aubrey Dutetre - Bastet (Werecat) Position: Acrobat, part-time animal trainer Tribe: Bagheera (Panther) Physical: Strength 3 (4/6/5/4), Dexterity 5 (6/8/8/8), Stamina 3 (5/6/6/5) Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4 (3/1/1/1), Appearance 4 (3/0/4/4) Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 Talents: Alertness 5, Athletics 5, Brawl 2, Dodge 4, Empathy 3, Expression 3, Primal-Urge 2, Subterfuge 3 Skills: Animal Ken 5, Etiquette 3 Knowledges: Investigation 2, Linguistics 4, Occult 2 Backgrounds: Allies 4 (Acrobatic partners and Belle Starr), Den-Realm 1 Gifts: (1) Blur of the Milky Eye, Catfeet, Razor Claws; (2) Shriek, Touch the Mind; (3) Purr Rank: 3 Rage 3, Gnosis 7, Willpower 5 Rites: Rite of Claiming, Talisman Dedication Fetishes: None Image: Aubrey Dutetre is a young, dark-haired man of average height with wiry muscles. In Crinos form, he is a beautiful mix of man and panther with jet fur. Aubrey's Feline form is a sinuous black panther projecting an aura of hidden power. Notes: Friend of Belle Starr - they plan to escape. Tap to give Belle Starr +1 stealth for the current action? Belle Starr (Vampire) Position: Sharpshooter Clan: Gangrel Sire: John Wind-Walker Generation: 8th (6-capacity?) Embrace: 1889 Apparent Age: 40 Nature/Demeanor: Cavalier/Pedagogue Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4 Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2 Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 4 Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 2, Brawl 4 (Barroom), Dodge 2, Empathy 2, Expression 2, Intimidation 3, Streetwise 2 Skills: Fast-Draw 4, Firearms 5 (Trick Draw), Melee 3, Ride 4 (Trick Riding), Stealth 3, Survival 4 Knowledges: History 2, Law 1, Linguistics 2 (Spanish, Cherokee) Disciplines: Animalism 5, Auspex 2, Celerity 2, Fortitude 3, Obfuscate 1, Potence 1, Protean 4 Backgrounds: Allies 1 (Aubrey Dutendre), Contacts 4, Fame 2, Resources 1, Status 1 Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 4 Willpower: 7 Humanity: 7 Merits/Flaws: Code of Honor, Higher Purpose (Escape Circus)/Dark Secret (Escape Circus) Image: A stocky woman in her early 40's, Belle Starr wears chaps, a rawhide coat and a cowboy hat. She is more striking than beautiful; she shuns makeup and seems awkward if she has to dress up for anything. She always carries at least 3 guns. Equipment: Remington M-700, two .45 Revolvers, 9mm Uzi, silver bullets, dagger, lasso, ghouled hourse V:TES Stats: Belle Starr Gangrel 6-capacity ANI aus cel for obf pot PRO Independent. Midnight Circus. Gun ability. Agg damage to werewolfs when striking with guns. Lee Carmody (Mage) Position: Tunnel of Love Operator, Carnival Barker Nature/Demeanor: Deviant/Loner Essence: Dynamic Tradition: Cult of Ecstasy barabbi Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3 Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2 Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 4 Talents: Awareness 2, Intuition 2, Subterfuge 3 Skills: Firearms 3, Research 2, Survival 4 Knowledges: Cosmology 3, Culture 3, Linguistics 3, Occult 5, Science 3 Spheres: Entropy 2, Life 3, Mind 3, Prime 2, Spirit 2 Backgrounds: Avatar 2, Dream 3, Influence 2 Willpower: 5 Arete: 6 Quintessence: 2 Paradox: 5 Image: Lee Carmody is a thin man, almost spectral in appearance. He wears a Stetson hat, a white suit with a bolo tie and a bored expression, and is almost never seen without his lemur riding on his shoulder. Little, if anything, ever seems to surprise him. FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE Hunters and messengers for the Infernal Trinity. They are called upon to hunt escapees and rid the grounds of interlopers. Messora DeEquesto (Death) Dressed in black, with a captivating white face and dark hair, Messora dedicated her studies to the forces of entropy. She is serious and quiet, but with a touch of her scythe, she can make someone feel her wrath. She is the most studious and proud of her family traditions. Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4 Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 5 Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3 Talents: Acting 2, Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Subterfuge 2 Skills: Animal Ken 4, Performance 5 (Trick Riding), Survival 3 Knowledges: Investigation 4, Linguistics 3, Occult 4 Numina: Animal Psi. This grants her telepathy with animals (Perception + Animal Ken, difficulty 8) Backgrounds: Allies 5 (Infernal Trinity and siblings) Weapons: Scythe (Difficulty 4, Danage: Strength + 3 - a gift from the Ringmaster) (strength 3?) Bellicus DeEquesto (War) Tall, broad-shouldered and strong, Bellicus is a loud braggart. He is a brash and easily picks quarrels, fancying himself a ladies' man. When performing the tasks of the Infernal Trinity, he wears a medieval helmet with the visor closed and chain mail (Armor Rating 6, Penalty 2). He carries a broadsword that does aggravated damage, and goes into frenzy in battle. His horse is also armored. Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4 Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2 Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3 Talents: Athletics 5, Brawl 5, Dodge 2, Intimidation 4 Skills: Animal Ken 2, Melee 3, Performance 5 (Trick Riding), Security 2, Survival 1 Knowledges: Linguistics 2, Medicine 2, Occult 3, Politics 2 Numina: Animal Psi (see Messora) Weapons: Broadsword (can prevent 1 damage per combat, agg damage?) Fillipo DeEquesto (Famine) Of the brothers, the tall, gaunt Fillipo most resembles Messora. A creature of music and poetry, he is known as a bit of an intellectual among the circus denizens. Fillipo is studious, but vain. He believes his family, being of ancient roots, are the natural elite among the circus performers. Fillipo is generous, if aloof, to his coworkers, believing he has a responsibility to the less fortunate beings around him. He wears black when on missions from the Infernal Trinity. He is "close" to his sister, a relationship that brings a few leers from the cruder circus hands. Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3 Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2 Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 5, Wits 5 Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Dodge 2, Subterfuge 4 Skills: Animal Ken 4, Melee 2, Performance 4 (Trick Riding), Stealth 4, Survival 1 Knowledges: Linguistics 4, Culture 3, Occult 3, Politics 2, Science 2 Numina: Animal Psi Weapons: Spear of Famine. Those struck with the spear are crippled with painfully intense hunger, and must make a Stamina roll (difficulty 7) to take any action. If this roll fails, the victim is treated as Crippled (-5 to Dice Pools) for two rounds. The spear is difficulty 6 to hit, and causes Str + 3 damage. Like Messora's scythe, it was created by Cavendish. (perhaps if Fillipo successfully inflicts damage that is not prevented, that minion is tapped and does not untap during its next untap phase) Morrell DeEquesto (Sickness) Shorter than his siblings, Morrell is withdrawn, preferring the company of his own family. Like Fillipo, he is an elitist, but Morrell holds that the DeEquestos should receive more recognition. The other performers should work for less, so that the riches fall to the deserving. He views the acrobats as upstarts, "half-French pretenders." To his secret shame, he has a clubfoot which he has overcome by sheer talent. Morrel wears a black and red Renaissance costume. Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2 Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2 Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 Talents: Alertness 3, Subterfuge 2, Intimidation 2 Skills: Animal Ken 4, Performance 3 (Trick Riding), Survival 4 Knowledges: Enigmas 2, Investigation 2, Linguistics 3, Medicine 4, Occult 2 Weapons: Morrell uses Wyrm Arrows shot from a hunting bow of primitive design. The bow has a 60-pound pull, requiring a Strength of 3 to draw. It can shoot 90 yards and does three dice of aggravated damage. Any area struck swiftly becomes a festering wound. The victim must be magically healed (such as Garou Gift: Mother's Touch, the Discipline Obeah, Life magicks), or pestilence will spread throughout his body. The arrowheads are similar to the Wyrm Fang Daggers possessed by the Black Spiral Dancers, and said to made fromt he teeth of the Wyrm. (1R agg?) Horses The DeEquesto's horses are possessed by Banes sent by the Duke of Hate, Lord Steel. These steeds can see in the dark. When the hunt is on, they can run tirelessly for two hours. They make a horrible whining noise akin to the Power Roar of the Wyrm. The steeds are black, but not the broadbacked horses generally preferred by bareback riders. The Scribunda Sisters (Aurora, Meridia, Fata) Position: Fortune Tellers Nature/Demeanor: Caregiver/Survivor Physical: Strength 3 (Fata 2), Dexterity 3, Stamina 3 Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance (Aurora 5, Meridia 4, Fata 3) Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 4 Talents: Empathy 5, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2 Skills: Animal Ken 3, Performance 4, Survival 5 Knowledges: Linguistics 4, Medicine 4, Occult 5, Politics 3 Backgrounds: Allies 3 (Gumilyov, Klaus Rahn and sometimes Calabris) Numina: Hedge Magic Divination: The Sisters Scribunda can receive glimpses of the future by spending a Willpower point and rolling Perception + Occult, difficulty fo the power's level + 4. In ascending level of power, their capabilities are Fortune Telling (very basic), Dowsing (locating a lost object or person), Augury (determining the outcome of a future event using rituals), Premonitions (revealing flashes of insight about a possible future event), and Vision Quest (receiving a vision of future events). (For more information on this Numina, see Project: Twilight.) Willpower: 7 Image: The three sisters are seldom seen together. Aurora, the youngest, is the archetype of the beautiful gypsy daughter. She is slender with long jet-black hair that curls slightly and dresses in traditional Romany clothing. Aurora's appeal lies in her shy demeanor. She works the fortune-telling booth in the day, specializing in Tarot readings and palmistry. Meridia is a mature Gypsy woman with striking looks. Brisk and business-minded, she calls out into the crowd, searching for potential customers. Meridia also dresses in traditional Gypsy clothes, and works late afternoons and evenings. Fata is an old Gypsy woman with white hair, who takes over the booth at night. She wraps herself in a shawl and patiently waits for customers. Her readings are the longest and most insightful. Notes: Aurora: You like to tell the future. People come to you with their problems, and you take your time trying to help. Their hidden secrets captivate your imagination, and questions of romance and quests particularly fascinate you. Meridia: You look deeply to answer people's questions, and do not take the ancient art of divination lightly. You know of Cara's path, and tell those whom the carnival has harmed to come back at night. Fata: Other members of the circus are nervous around you and tend to leave you alone. You read deep into the future, giving warnings and advice. You also heal those injured by the circus, for your tent is one of Cara's healing sanctuaries. Items: The Sisters have a peculiar Tarot deck, depicting personnel from the Midnight Circus. For example, Bishop is the Fool, Calabris is the Magician, Astarte the High Priestess and Cavendish the Emperor. The Tower depicts the Big Top being struck by lightning with Cavendish and Calabris falling. The World card depicts a resurrected goddess, Cara triumphant. Players may see depictions representing themselves in various card, especially those depicting outcomes of various inquiries. The sisters also possess a small mirror for divination purposes. From medicine bottles and herbs they can create a potion called "Durga's Cure." Once swallowed, this removes up to two Barbs. They can only do this once per supplicant. Orenda Foam-Singer (Garou) Position: Storyteller Breed: Homid Auspice: Philodox Tribe: Wendigo Physical: Strength 4 (6/8/7/5), Dexterity 3 (3/4/5/5) Stamina 4 (6/7/7/6) Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2 (1/0/0/0), Appearance 3 (2/0/3/3) Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 4 Talents: Athletics 4, Empathy 3, Primal-Urge 5, Subterfuge 4 Skills: Leadership 4, Performance 3, Stealth 2, Survival 3 Knowledges: Enigmas 4, Occult 4, Rituals 5 Backgrounds: Allies 1, Fetish 2, Kinfolk 1 Gifts: (1) Aura of Confidence, Camouflage, Call the Breeze, Resist Pain, Truth of Gaia; (2) Cutting Wind, King of the Beasts; (3) Sky Running, Wisdom of the Ancient Ways Rank: 3 Rage 5, Gnosis 6, Willpower 4 Rites: Rite of Cleansing, Rite of Summoning Fetishes: Harmony Flute, Phoebe's Veil Image: Orenda dresses in somewhat old-fashioned clothes. She has black hair, deep brown eyes, and appears to be about 30. Orenda sits under a common tent, where she tells Native American legends three times a day, mostly tales of the Eastern and Northeastern tribes. She has made elaborate costumes to go along with these tales. These shows have become quite popular. Believes she is the last Croatan (false). Hypnotized by Cavendish. The Hetaerae Iolanthe Position: Succubus Court: Unseelie (formerly) Legacies: Pishogue/Orchid Seeming: Wilder Kith: Sidhe House: None (formerly Scathach) Romantic Legacies: Gamester/Romantic Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5 Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 6 Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 4, Expression 4, Kenning 3, Seduction 5, Sex 5, Style 4 Skills: Etiquette 4, Performance 3, Stealth 4, Temporal Senses 1 Knowledges: Linguistics 2 (French, Irish), Mythlore 2, Occult 2 Arts: Chronos 1, Dream-Craft 1, Legerdemain 5, Primal 2, Sovereign 2 Realms: Actor 5, Fae 4, Scene 2 Backgrounds: Chimera 2 (Cat), Contacts 4, Dreamers 2, Gremayre 1, Resources 3, Treasures 1 Glamour: 7 Banality: 1 Willpower: 5 Merits/Flaws: Self-Confident/Amnesia Image: Iolanthe is hauntingly beautiful. She is very fae in appearance with tapered ears and slightly upturned eyes. Her hair is white with a touch of gold and her eyes are stormcloud gray. She is otherworldly, almost ethereal in appearance, and yet there is something of the huntress in her, much in the way of the goddess Diana. In her fae seeming she wears sidhe court finery. Equipment: stylish clothing, chimeric knife Rati Position: Succubus Clan: Toreador Sire: Calabris Generation: 7th (7-cap?) Embrace: 1725 Apparent Age: 18 Nature/Demeanor: Judge/Gallant Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5 Social: Charisma 6, Manipulation 5, Appearance 4 Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 4 Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 4, Expression 4, Intimidation 3, Sex (Tantra) 5, Style 4, Subterfuge 5 (Seduction) Skills: Etiquette 4, Firearms 4, Melee 4, Music 5, Stealth 3 Knowledges: Bureaucracy 3, Investigation 3, Linguistics 1 (English), Occult 3 Disciplines: Auspex 4, Celerity 1, Chimerstry 5, Fortitude 1, Obfuscate 3, Presence 4 (AUS cel CHI for obf PRE Backgrounds: Allies 4, Contacts 4, Herd 3, Resources 4, Retainers 2, Status 2 Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 3 Willpower: 8 Humanity: 3 Merits: Iron Will, Luck Image: Rati is a slender, young Indian woman. Her night-black hair falls to her hips, and her black eyes shine like dark pools. Her sensuous movements are hypnotic and somewhat serpentine in nature. She wears brightly colored Indian clothing, especially in red and gold, and all manner of gold jewelry. Notes: Besides her own mastery of Chimerstry, Rati knows how to activate most of the "sleeper spells" left by Calabris