Once it was said...
2003-10-16 20:32:34-05
Anonymous User

Most likely this is a similar product but now a days there are so many knock offs of redbull that who the heck can tell. Red Ice is a rip off, so is vitality bull, etc. Theoplex and M-150 are equal in quality to redbull, but look a lil different. as a supository or injecting this drink right into your blood stream..that's a little far fetched... i think what the previous contributor was thinking about was the freeze dried redbull that you can crush up and sniff with a straw, like cocaine. Or you can just breathe vapors from redbull intensely and that will put you back about $1000 in medical bills. I once drank 5 cans of redbull in one day and it made me a little off..i was hearing peoples' cell phone conversations in my dreams for 2 weeks. I've also seen many refernces to redbull made in the bible since then and on wall inscriptions in the pyramids of egypt. Redbull can also be used as gasoline or window de-icer when times are tough. hope this helps., Triga-Hop


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